ชื่อภาษาอังกฤษ : Assistant Professor.Sivadol Noulnoppadol
ชื่อภาษาไทย : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ศิวดล นวลนภดล
ตำแหน่ง : อาจารย์
ตำแหน่ง : อาจารย์
ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
หลักสูตร : Electrical
TEL : 074-584-241-4 ต่อ
EMAIL : sivadol_techno@hotmail.com
- Master Degree : Electrical Technical Education (Electrical)
- Bachelor Degree : Electrical Technical Education (Electrical Engineering)
- Electrical Education
- Electrical Circuit Analysis
- Digital
- Microcontroller
- Machine
- Electronic
- Electrical Technology
- Electronic Circuit
- S. Noulnoppadol M. Sistichai and Actimakul . A Construction and Efficiency Validation of an Instructional Package on Waveguide Passive Device and Microwave Antenna Microwave Engineering, Curriculum of Bachelor Degree in Engineering , The 2nd National Conference on Technical Education 2009.
- S Suawakon , S. Noulnoppadol ,S Kamkleng and S Tunsriwong . The Development of Multimedia Kits in the Teaching for AC Circuit Theory The 3nd National Conference on Technical Education 2010.
- Sivadol Noulnoppadol, Sommart Khamkleang The Development of Computer-Based Virtual Experimental Packages for AC Circuit Analysis The 33rd Electrical Engineering Conference, 1-3 December 2010, Organized by KMITL, CMU, MUT
- Sivadol Noulnoppadol, Sommart Khamkleang Software Development for Education in Theoretical Electromagnetic Field and Microstrip Transmission Line (The 9th PSU Engineering Conference, PEC-9 2-3 May ,2014
- Sivadol Noulnoppadol, Sommart Khamkleang Analysis and Design for Bias Transister Circuit by using MATLAB GU Is for Electronic Engineering Instruction The 7th National Conference on Technical Education 6-7 October ,2014
- Sivadol Noulnoppadol ,The Development of the Multimedia Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Subject of Microcontroller for Bachelor of Industrial Technology Program The 7th National Conference on Technical Education 26-27 October ,2015
- Kanavut Intabut, Titiporn Hnukaw , Sivadol Noulnoppadol Development of Computer Program Based Graphical in the Teaching of Basic Electric and Electronic Circuits User Interface (GUI) of MATLAB®. 8th ECTI-CARD 2016, Hua Hin, Thailand 27-29 July ,2016 Sivadol Noulnoppadol, Pawana Poomsawai, Supachai Madue. The Development of the Web-Base Instruction for Electronic Circuits Analysis The 9th National Conference on Technical Education 24-25 October ,2016.
- Tananchai Srirygee ,Arsun Hronhlee and Sivadol Noulnoppadol The Development of WEB-BASED Instructional On Digital Circuit Design The 10th National Conference on Technical Education 23-24 October ,2017.
- Dolgareem Hmayi, ,Hanadee Jeha and Sivadol Noulnoppadol Development of Solar Advertising board using wireless technology The 10th National Conference on Technical Education 23-24 October ,2017.
- S. Noulnoppadol and S. Khamkleang.2012. Analysis of Double Stub Filter by Wave Iterative Method (WIM). Proceeding of Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET2012), Xi'an China, 27-30 May, 2012. pp.257 – 260
ตำรา หนังสือ
- Electronic Technology
- Training Program Simulation for Circuit Analysis
- Automation Control