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Rattaphum College held the “Student Orientation Activities

On July 27th , 2015, Rattaphum College held the “Student Orientation Activities” of the year 2015.Under the title “Yang Na Kla Mai” to the new students for guidance and knowledge to understand the role of being a good student of the University at Pracheep Choopantha Building, Rattaphum College. It was honored by Ajarn Sathaporn Khunpetch, the director of Rattaphum College, who presided over the project. And then, there was discussion about “Building the Success of the Education System” by Ajarn Panumas Suibangdam, vice director of Administration and Planning, Asst . Prof. Pawana Poomsawai, vice director of Academic and Research and Ajarn Tamonchanok Kongkwan, vice director of Student Development. Also, it was honored by Asst . Prof. Kissanapong Sungkhwasi the director of student development to join speaking.

Wednesday, 29 July, 2015