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ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Tue, 18/07/2023 - 13:55


       เมื่อวันที่ 14 กรกฎาคม 2566 มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย นำโดย  ผศ.อุดร นามเสน รองอธิการบดี มทร.ศรีวิชัย และผู้บริหาร คณาจารย์ ร่วมต้อนรับคณะผู้ตรวจราชการกระทรวงการอุดมศึกษา วิทยาศาสตร์ วิจัยและนวัตกรรม ประจำปีงบประมาณ พ.ศ.2566 ภายใต้โครงการพัฒนากำลังคนด้วยเทคโนโลยีและนวัตกรรมเพื่อรองรับอุตสาหกรรมการท่องเที่ยวชายฝั่งวิถีใหม่ ณ ห้องประชุมสมิหลา อาคารสำนักงานอธิการบดี มทร.ศรีวิชัย สงขลา



ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Fri, 14/07/2023 - 17:36


14th July 2023, the training continues to focus on the guide line on how to collect data by Dr. Lamun Kayurin and how to put data in to the provided platform that is “WordPress” by Mr.Panuwat Noonkong and Mr.Varutcha Chanchampa.

 In the afternoon, in groups of all 17 SDGs, all committees have chances to practice and choose the related news to put in WordPress.  Moreover, the conclusion for 13-14th July were made to share ideas and experiences during the training.  


ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Fri, 14/07/2023 - 17:35

During 13-14 July 2023, International Affairs leads by Dr Lamun Kayurin hosted Impact rankings 2024 training for almost 60 participants from 17 SDGs Committees. According to this year Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya will submit the Impact Rankings 2024 during September - November2023, the training will be the guideline for committees.     

For 13th July 2023, training opening ceremony was hosted, Vice President, Asst.Prof.Udon Namsan participated the opening ceremony as to welcome all SDGs committees from various campuses for joining the training. Dr Lamun Kayurin was the guest speaker for the morning session and was focusing on the  indicators for each SDGs. Moreover, it was a great opportunity for all committees to have the special guest speaker Mr.Todd Hornal Regional Director (APAC) Times Higher Education to share, discuss, exchanges ideas on “Impact Rankings 2024” and  “ How do we get the best score of the Impact Rankings 2024?” Also, the conclusion for today was hosted in the afternoon session.

Southwest University Online Interns Program opening ceremony

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Wed, 12/07/2023 - 10:52

July 11, 2023 International Affairs leads by Dr. Lamun Kayurin together with Chinese Lecturers from Faculty of Liberal Arts and Faculty of Science and Technology hosted an opening ceremony for interns students and staff from Southwest University. For the first semester of the 2023 Academic year, Southwest University provided 4 interns: Wu Jingzhuo, Nai Siying and Zhang Lijun to join the internship program online to enhance the educational experiences and facilitated cultural exchange between Southwest University and Rajamangala University Technology Srivijaya.

Final day for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Mon, 03/07/2023 - 14:56

The final day for the AI training has arrived, today Mr. Mar Kheng Kok continues on the topic of Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and lets participants join the hands-on session and activities such as ChatGPT Prompting and Chatbot. Before ending the class, Mr. Mar Kheng Kok and Mr. Wee Chee Hong wrap up, conclude and answers questions over the topic which was provided for during the whole week for clearer pictures on AI. To congratulates participants for the succeed of attending AI training during 19-23 June, 2023, Dr. Lamun Kayurin, Assistant to the president for International Affairs attended in the certificate and closing ceremony session which was hosted in the afternoon by Nanyang Polytechnic International, Singapore.

Fourth day for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Mon, 03/07/2023 - 14:56

The training program for today have been separated in to 2 sessions. In order to discuss and share ideas about Generative AI and Image Generation using Diffusion Model, in class, Mr. Mar Kheng Kok took part in the morning session. The afternoon session, NYPi provided a learning journey for participants to gain more experiences on AI at SenseTime which was leads by Ms. Grace Chiang (Sales Manager, Asia Pacific Business Group) SenseTime is a well-known company for Artificial intelligence, a leading AI software company focused on creating a better AI-empowered future through innovation and was the only AI company in Asia to have its Code of Ethics for AI Sustainable Development selected by the United Nations.

Third day for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Mon, 03/07/2023 - 14:55

For the third day of the training program will be separated in to 2 sessions. The morning session, in class, Mr. Wee Chee Hong continues on the topic of Deep Learning for Object Detection and covering on

• Types of object detector

• One stage detector

• Two stage detector

• Building blocks of Object Detection

• Feature Pyramid Network During the class all participants enjoy the lesson and the hands-on session and activities on object detection. After joining lessons in class for 2 days, in the afternoon participants have the great opportunity to visit to AISG leads by Mr Khoo Seng Meng (Senior Deputy Director) as apart of Learning Journey

Last day of I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready and MoU signing ceremony at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore.

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Mon, 03/07/2023 - 14:55

                       It comes to the last day of the Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore. Mr. Lai Poh Hing chronologically drew the course participants’ attention throughout the revolution of technological transformation with precise examples of technology applications like mobile cells, computers or even memory cards etc. Additionally, he engaged the effective teaching and learning models to motivate the RUTS participants raising awareness of the strategic goal and nurture the future ready learners. Furthermore, he also inspired the participants to produce future- ready graduates who are differentiated and in- demand across the industry. Finally, the key messages highlighted by Mr. Lai Poh Hing were ICT- enhanced teaching and learning environments (gamification, augmented reality (AR)), Data- enhanced flipped learning, Co-creating valued with industry (shared training management system, student internship portal and customer relationship management), and living with Innovation & Enterprises Culture (operation and service), and raising the digital competency with change management. Prof. Dr. Suwat Tanyaros, the President, Prof. Sutep Chooklin, Vice President, and Mrs. Sarintorn Madman, Director of Personal Administration Division joined us on certificate and closing ceremony, was honored by Dr. Henry Heng, the CEO of Nanyang Polytechnic International.

                       Also on the same day it was a great opportunity for RUTS to sign MoU with Nanyang Polytechnic International, Prof. Dr. Suwat Tanyaros, the President, Prof. Sutep Chooklin, Vice President, and Mrs. Sarintorn Madman, Director of Personal Administration Division, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya and Dr. Henry Heng, the CEO of Nanyang Polytechnic International, Singapore, presided over the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya and Nanyang Polytechnic International, Singapore. The agreement was made to enhance collaboration between the two institutions in the areas of capacity building and capability development programs, student exchange, field studies, and training in various fields. The two institutes will also cooperate on the exchange of professors, staff, and academic information, including events, projects and student internships abroad.

Fourth day of the Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore.

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Mon, 03/07/2023 - 14:54


 On June 8th, 2023, the fourth day of the Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore. This Industry 4.0 section had basically and historically backgrounded the course participants through industrial revolution lead by Mr. Edward Ho. He spontaneously moved to the Industry 3.0 & Industry 4.0. After that, his informative talk had emphasized the initial focus of Industry 4.0 for gathering data to a better understanding productivity and workflow. Apart from that, the following topics e.g. the Smart Factory-Automated Systems & Processes, Some Applications of Industry 4.0, Benefits: -OEM/Manufacture/Employee/Machines/Data, Key technology drivers in Industry 4.0, Promising Future with I4.0, 5Gs, AI, IoT-Live can be better, cities can be more competitive etc., were dramatically attracted all RUTS participants. In the afternoon session, the RUTS participants had visited the Sanwa & Intech Group where manufacture the electrical and digitalized products. Mr. Chris Chan, Productivity &PCNL Manager had launched his welcome speech for RUTS group with his colleague named Alisa, the NYP entrepreneurship. Alisa had informed the digital manufacturing Transformation which can improve efficiency, quality and productivity including the AI and Machine Learning. Furthermore, she added the values of faster and more efficient production, reducing waste and errors. Suitable development innovative manufacturing process that can drive growth and competitiveness in today global economy. Cost saving, greater ability, improved quality and increased efficiency. This is the great partner and collaboration among entrepreneurs and NYP. The discussion after Alisa shared her valuable contribution was the key success factors for growth competitiveness of Sanwa & Intech Group.

การศึกษา-สำนักส่งเสริมวิชาการฯ: บัณฑิตที่สำเร็จการศึกษาในปีการศึกษา 2564 - 2565 และบัณฑิตที่ขอเลื่อนรับ จากปีการศึกษา 2562 - 2563 แจ้งความประสงค์ในการเข้ารับพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร

<p>ด้วยพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว ทรงพระกรุณาโปรดเกล้าโปรดกระหม่อมให้พลเอก สุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์ ประธานองคมนตรี เป็นผู้แทนพระองค์ในพิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตรแก่ผู้สําเร็จการศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย ประจําปีการศึกษา 2564-2565 ณ ศูนย์ประชุมนานาชาติฉลองสิริราชสมบัติครบ 60 ปี อําเภอหาดใหญ่ จังหวัดสงขลา ในวันศุกร์ ที่ 22 กันยายน 2566 นั้น เพื่อให้การดำเนินงานเป็นไปด้วยความเรียบร้อยและมีประสิทธิภาพ</p> <p>จึงกำหนดให้บัณฑิตที่สำเร็จการศึกษาในปีการศึกษา 2564 - 2565 และบัณฑิตที่ขอเลื่อนรับ จากปีการศึกษา 2562 - 2563</p> <p>แจ้งความประสงค์ในการเข้ารับพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร<br /> ระหว่างวันที่ 23 มิถุนายน - 14 กรกฎาคม 2566<br /> ผ่านเว็บไซต์ <a href="https://binding.rmutsv.ac.th/?fbclid=IwAR3_2salcSxxPsTN-neE6nhSPhsGKs00iFRXBORVAwnXTPmMKTw88MXNAJg" target="_blank">https://binding.rmutsv.ac.th</a></p> <p>โดยให้เลือกแจ้งความประสงค์ ดังนี้</p> <p>- ประสงค์เข้ารับพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร<br /> - ประสงค์ขอเลื่อนรับในปีถัดไป (บัณฑิตที่เลื่อนรับมาจากปี 62-63 ไม่สามารถเลื่อนรับได้อีก)<br /> - ประสงค์ให้สำนักส่งเสริมวิชาการและงานทะเบียนจัดส่งใบปริญญาบัตร<br /> - ประสงค์ขอรับปริญญาบัตรด้วยตนเอง ณ สำนักส่งเสริมวิชาการและงานทะเบียน</p> <p><strong>หมายเหตุ :</strong> เมื่อยืนยันการแจ้งความประสงค์แล้ว จะไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนแปลงได้ บัณฑิตควรตัดสินใจให้รอบคอบ ก่อนการยืนยันความประสงค์</p> <p><strong>หากไม่ทำการแจ้งความประสงค์ในระยะเวลาที่กำหนด มหาวิทยาลัยจะถือว่าบัณฑิตไม่ประสงค์เข้ารับพระราชทานปริญญาบัตร และต้องติดต่อรับปริญญาบัตรด้วยตนเอง ณ สำนักส่งเสริมวิชาการและงานทะเบียนเท่านั้น</strong></p> <p> </p>

Second day for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Tue, 20/06/2023 - 15:52

20 th June, 2023, for the morning session, Dr Veronica Lim continue to cover up on the topic of Machine Learning on • Unsupervised Learning • K-means Clustering• Hierarchical Clustering • Overview of Deep Learning• What is Artificial Neutral Network (ANN)• How Artificial Neutral Network learn• Advantages and disadvantages of ANN and also touch on the topic of Deep Learning Introduction which was focusing on• Introduction to Computer Vision• Different Computer Vision Tasks • Computer Vision with Deep Learning • Convolutional Neural Networks. Before Dr Veronica Lim ended the morning session, participants shave chances to take part in the Hands-on Lab such as K-means clustering and Deep Learning. Mr. Wee Chee Hong then take part in the afternoon session for the conclusion of Deep Learning and Deep Learning for Image Classification.

Opening ceremony for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Tue, 20/06/2023 - 15:48

19th June, 2023 Asst. Prof. Charoen Maiduang, Senior University Supervisor and Dr. Lamun Kayurin, Assistant to the President for International Affairs participated the opening ceremony for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International, Singapore. The opening ceremony was hosted and welcome by Mr. Lee Chit Boon, Assistant Director of Nanyang Polytechnic International and Nanyang Polytechnic International team. The Program will be hosted for 5 days during 19-23 June 2023 for 20 educators from various faculties and campuses such as Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture. For the first day program, the Campus tour and class sharing by 2 AI experts have been shared: - Historical development of AI and use cases by Lee Ching Yuh - Machine Learning – Supervised Learning by Dr Veronica Lim

Third day of the Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore.

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Thu, 08/06/2023 - 10:35

      On June 7th, 2023, the third day of the Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready was lectured on the topic “SIT Project Engagement” by Dr. Graham Joseph Ng., Practice Director, Digital Transformation APEX Region (Oracle Specialists, APEX expert). The session started with the introduction of Centre for IT Innovation which there are more than 300 research and industry projects and especially more than 500 industry become partnerships and continued to the other relevent topics such as curriculum structure, essences of contextual teaching and learning, industry collaboration, innovation & enterprise @SIT, IP creation & patents, R&D with competitive grants, competitive grant projects e.g. This session had exclusively sparked the inspiration and wonderful thoughts in means of digital innovation. Then, the study tour around the School of Information  Technology Labs and Training course/classes were explored. The course participants had directly obtained an active motivating learning and teaching environment.

And in the afternoon course, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Marina Barrage to learn and understand Singapore's water management system for use and consumption. This reservoir was created in order to provide water supply, flood contral and a lifestyle attraction.

In addition, the group of participants also traveled to visit another place that is formerly known as URA Gallery where charts Singapore's urban transformation and future plans. It is managed by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and it aims to showcase Singapore's physical transformation in the last 50 years to become "one of the most liveable cities in Asia".


Opening ceremony for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

ข่าวน่าสนใจ - Mon, 05/06/2023 - 18:05

On June 5th, 2023, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kwanhatai Jaipiem, Vice President participated the opening ceremony for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Transforming Educational Institution into I4.0 & Smart Nation Ready at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore. The program will be hosted for 5 days from 5th - 9th June 2023.

On the first day program was honored by Dr. Henry Heng, the CEO of Nanyang Polytechnic International presided over the opening ceremony and gave a welcoming speech. Then, a lecture on the topic "Singapore's SME Development from Labor-intensive to Industry 4.0 and a Multi-Agency Approach by Mr. Wee Chin Chuan, Executive Director of Oriel Group of Companies and Director of Global Sustainability Nexus Pte Ltd.

นักศึกษา-กองพัฒนานักศึกษา: การดำเนินการกู้ยืม กยศ. รายเก่าเลื่อนระดับชั้น ประจำภาคการศึกษาที่ 1 ปีการศึกษา 2566

ขั้นตอนการดำเนินงานกู้ยืมเงินกองทุนเงินให้กู้ยืมเพื่อการศึกษา สำหรับนักศึกษารายเก่าเลื่อนระดับชั้น
ภาคการศึกษาที่ 1 ประจำปีการศึกษา 2566

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